Saturday, May 16, 2020

Domestic Violence A Common Form Of Family Violence

Domestic Violence Domestic violence (D V) occurs in almost every society and culture of the world. It can be physical, sexual, emotional, or psychological actions or threats of actions that influences another person. It is behaviors that intimidates, manipulate, humiliate, isolate, frighten, stalk, terrorize, coerce, threaten, blame, hurt, injure, and wound someone. It affects mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers of nearly every person in our community either directly or indirectly. What is Domestic Violence? Domestic Violence is described as violent or hostile behavior within the home, typically involving the violent abuse of a spouse or partner. It is a common form of family violence that may contain not only physical abuse, but one or more of emotional abuse, sexual abuse, and economical/finical abuse. Physical abuse can be pulling your hair, punching, slapping, kicking, biting or choking you it also includes denying a partner medical care or forcing you to use drugs or alcohol. Emotional abuse is when somebody is trying to isolate you from family or friends, monitoring where you go, who you call and who you spend time with, and demanding to know where you are every minute. Sexual Abuse is forcing you to dress in a sexual ways, holding you down during sex, threatening to hurt you, the children, your family or your pets and even to the extremes of purposefully trying to pass on a sexually transmitted disease to you. Economical/financial abuse is considered giving you anShow MoreRelated Domestic Violence868 Words   |  4 PagesSPEECH: â€Å"What is domestic Violence, how common it is and which are some of the main signs that we can recognize domestic relationships.† â€Å"What do you think that is Domestic Violence?† Before I answer to this question, let me tell you a short story. Her friends describe Maria â€Å"as the perfect girl†. She is beautiful, she is working and she has many friends. However, Maria has many problems in her family. Her father is alcoholic and he is not working to feet his family. So, Maria and herRead MoreDomestic Violence : South Africa1709 Words   |  7 PagesDomestic Violence in South Africa Love is looked upon as a beautiful thing but within beauty lies darkness in South Africa. There is an unspoken violence against women going on within the communities of south Africa that is now coming to light; domestic violence. Husbands, not strangers or men with guns, are now the biggest threat to women in post-conflict South Africa, according to a report by the International Rescue Committee. Attacked beaten, abused, killed these are sometimes words to describeRead MoreDomestic Violence on Women in Society1730 Words   |  7 PagesDomestic Violence on Women and girls in Society Tabinda Asghar Dow Institute of Nursing Abstract Violence alongside women and girls is a sign of previously uneven authority relations among men and women, which have led to command over and unfairness against women by men and to the avoidance of the full progression of women. These types of terrible actions against women and girls continues to be a global epidemic that kills, tortures, and wound- physically, psychologically, sexually and economicallyRead MoreDomestic Violence Essay - Cathy Simpson1022 Words   |  5 PagesDomestic violence is mainly physical, but also psychological, sexual or financial violence that happens within a family or a family type relationship. The main pattern that occurs within domestic violence is gender. The most common form of domestic violence is the abuse of women by men. 1 in 4 women has been assaulted by a partner at some time in her life time, 1 in 8 repeatedly so. Groups in society most at risk of domestic violence include children, people in lower social classes, those livingRead MoreViolence is the Physical Force Prohibited by Law799 Words   |  3 Pagesâ€Å"Violence†¦the unlawful exercise of physical force† (The Concise Oxford English Dictionary). How Well Does This Statement Define Interpersonal Violence? One of the most common ways of defining violence is to only consider forms of criminal violence and to argue that violence is the use of force that has been prohibited by law (Riedel Welsh, 2002, p.3). The Oxford dictionary when taking a legal dimension, defines violence as â€Å"the unlawful exercise of physical force†. This definition suggestsRead MoreDomestic Violence in the United States Essay example971 Words   |  4 Pagesone case of domestic violence that affects nearly 32 million Americans, which is over 10% of the United States population. What exactly is domestic violence? Also known as domestic, spousal and child abuse, domestic violence can take many forms, including physical, sexual, emotional, and economic. Regardless of what type of abuse it is, they can all have one common denominator: to obtain and maintain complete control over the victim. Probably the most common type of domestic violence, physical abuseRead MoreA Social Issue That Is On Domestic Violence1695 Words   |  7 Pagessocial issue that is on Domestic Violence. Domestic Violence is a big social issue that happens all around the world. It affects many people in many different ways. The aim of this report is to identify what Domestic Violence is and what it can really do to the community and how we can help. 2. What is Domestic Violence? Also known as intimate partner violence, it is a form of violence that can occur with any relationship. There can be more than 1 type of Domestic Violence, Social, Physical, EmotionalRead MoreThe Effects Of Domestic Violence On Children1127 Words   |  5 PagesDomestic Violence Violence and domestic violence are very popular issues of social concern of our times. Experts define a few types of domestic abuse, namely psychological, physical, emotional, verbal, sexual, and others, and they all are considered very harmful to families, especially to the youngest members. Abusers who commit domestic violence do so to control their victim, and maintain that control by threatening the victim’s safety and/or that of people they love. To protect themselves fromRead MoreDomestic Violence And Its Effects On Victims And Varies1700 Words   |  7 PagesDefinition, strengths and limitations, and occurrence Domestic violence as a form of trauma can have an impact on victims and varies in the form in which it occurs. Domestic violence can occur directly to an individual or family or indirectly as exposure to domestic violence. The Department of Justice defines domestic violence as â€Å"a pattern of abusive behavior in a relationship that is used by one partner to gain or maintain power and control over another intimate partner†. According to CrossRead More Domestic Violence in Canada1662 Words   |  7 PagesViolence has become prevalent within society; it is something the western world has learned to accept. With every minute that passes Canadians come face to face with certain acts of violence they may not have previously encountered (citation). Although, violence is not a subject that one can escape, women and children have unfortunately become the prime victims of violent acts. The media glorifies violence in other countries around the world it fails to address the presen ce of violence within Canada

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