Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Social And Political Views Of Democracy - 1364 Words

Democracy offers people the chance to be involved citizens rather than unreceptive subordinates. However, this right doesn’t come unchallenged. Citizens are required to assess a broad range of political subjects (such as candidates, parties, and policies) and then combine and simplify their likings in a way that allows them to choose on voting decisions. So, how are these challenges met? In the United States, some citizens are conservative Republics, some are liberal Democrats, and others fall in between or outside the two. Recent studies have proposed that these recognitions play an important part in voting behavior and political perception. Recently, however, more studies have accumulated advocating for two meager assumptions in regards to this study: that liberal/conservative identifications are bipolar in meaning and that underlying this bipolarity is cognitive meaning based on political issues (Conover, Feldman, 265). These variances in political positions are called pol itical attitudes, and fall on a spectrum between extremely liberal and extremely conservative. Broadly speaking, this spectrum distinguishes what someone believes about social issues and governments role in society. These beliefs are formed by a variation of aspects, which can include family, gender, religion, race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status and region. Even things like behavior, core ideals and values, and ideology can affect people’s political attitudes. However, these opinions are not set inShow MoreRelatedLiberalism, Communism, And Social Democracy736 Words   |  3 PagesThe three political ideologies I will discuss in this paper are Liberalism, Communism, and Social Democracy. These ideologies emerged in the 19th century and are views on society and the way in which it is governed. Liberalism, Communism, and Social Democracy are social, political, and economic doctrines. 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